Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Peyton Place/Madagascar III (Cartoon Not Included)

Opening scene: Small town, Utah.
Que: Sappy elevator music

April: Sometimes I feel like my life goes from one drama to the next. (Groveling at Drew's ankles) Why? Oh Why????

Drew: I detest drama. (Looking away from the unrecognizable form of his wife at his feet)

April: (startles from sleep) Oh good, it was only a dream! (Looking over to Drew and kicking him-softly of course-to stop the snoring)

Both April and Drew return to their sleep.....and dreams.....

Fade to Antananarivo Madagascar......half way around the world

Close up of oldest son writing letter to family:

hey everyone. i am in a riot. its amazing. but like i said to broc that the riots here are jokes. its freakin hilarious. so yeah other than that everything is going fine. im either walking uphill or down hill all the time. well at least 90 percent of the time. its fun. i have definitely lost wieght since comeing here. so yeah its awesome. but yeah due to the riots we were suppose to buy food and water for our house. just in case so instead of living on seven dollars this week, i took some money out. just in case but dont worry malagasies are children. other than that everything is going well. i am healthy and laughing at how retarded the political leaders are here. haha

but thanks for all the birthday wishes. thanks for the e mails aunt sherri and aunt robin and grandma and poppy. thanks for all the christmas money that was sent that i just found out about from my mommy. haha. but thanks for all that. and i have to go im at the office cuase of the peacful protests and i have a line behind me right now. but i love you all.


Que: More sappy music

Fade to black.

Yep, so, my son and around 59 other missionaries are caught in political unrest and rioting right now and are to remain in their apartments until further notice. Here are my concerns:

1. It's his birthday today and he won't get the package that I sent him! HOW RUDE! (I think the mail carriers should try to wield their way through 40,000 people to deliver the mail.)

2. You don't judge me because his lack of grammar, punctuation and spelling. He graduated from HS I promise!

3. He doesn't engage rioters with the words, "C'mon, meow". (Words he uses in the middle of a normal sentence to make me and his friends laugh.)

4. He lets his companion win at least one game of Settlers of Catan

5. If confronted by a looter or rioter he remembers to say please and thank you. Manners are so underrated!

6. He doesn't get an early release. He has no room to come home to yet. Sorry son! We aren't ready for you yet.

7. He knows that I am NOT one of the moms that called the Mission Home. I am however, one of the moms that called the Church Office Building. I'm just saying!!!

8. He knows that they are probably just having a big party for his birthday....LOVE YOU CHASER!!!

Note: Please do not think that I am heartless and do not care for the political strife in Mada. I do. I deal with stress through avoidance and humor. Well at least I HOPE you thought some of it was funny.


Sandi said...

Augh April! I always thought the reason I did not have sons is so I didn't have to suffer the torture of scouts, but now I'm thinking that it's because I am wayyyyy to wimpy to go through something like my missionary son being in the middle of a riot! Keep us posted and we'll keep them in our prayers.

Karen Mello Burton said...

The very day my son got to Nairobi in 07 there were massive election riots. Many people were killed but he never saw any of it. He was, however, on lock down in his apt for his first two weeks in the country. Did I mention it was the day he got there?? Did Chase go to the Jo'burg MTC like my son did?

Don't worry. They are sooo accounted for out there. He will be just fine.

Kristina P. said...

Scary! My friend's parents were living in the Congo because her dad works for the State Department, and they had a military coup while they were there. Scary stuff!

April said...

Amazingly enough I am not worried. He is right in the middle of Antananarivo where the rioting is taking place. According to an email he sent his brother he walked past a burning car on his way to the Mission home on Monday. Yet I am still not concerned.

I was concerned when my sister was in the Ukraine in 1991 on her mission and there was the infamous coup attempt there. Maybe that has prepared me for this.

Sandi you ARE a worrier! But I would worry more about girls than I have with my boys, so it's pretty much a wash.

Kazzy how scary for you and for your son. Chase went to the MTC in Provo.

Kristina, I am actually more concerned about my son being transferred to South Africa than I am about him staying in Mada. Weird, I know. But that Congo has some pretty nasty guerrillas in it!! They have them in Mada too, but in the mountains.

Thanks for your concerns!

Barbaloot said...

Yikes. Looks like you aren't the only person in your family that resorts to humor is stressful situations:)

Hope all goes well with him...and that one day he has a room to come home to.

TisforTonya said...

avoidance and humor is much healthier than stress and... well, more stress! My little bro (much younger) is currently serving in Chile (home in June... I think) and has been confined to apartment once...

I like that he is so laissez faire about it all... that should help the stress?

dede said...

wow to all of it (including the dream) - does he really get to play settlers?? that is a double WOW!

dede said...

...and I hope he is safe!
...and I am glad you aren't worried!

Jami said...

Wow. Wow. Wow. I will not think about my kids going to a riot on their missions. I will not think about my kids going to a riot on their missions. I will not think about my kids going to a riot on their missions.

Whew. Glad I got that out of my system. I'm glad you're joking your stress away.

I had arranged a marriage for my daughter--the cutie son of our Bishop. He treats his mom well. Good kid. But then he wrote my son and his spelling and grammar. Arg! Now I have to call it off. Too sad. It's all that texting. Makes them sound like they never went to school. It also gives them abnormally huge thumbs. Just sayin'.

Unknown said...

Like I said earlier, we'll keep all missionaries over ther in our prayers & your fam. And by the way, I DO think you're funny!!!=0)

Unknown said...

actually this is suz!!! Whoops!!!

Sandi said...

Jami...haha you are funny! And RIGHT.

Heidi said...

You are a brave mommy! I will say prayers for your Chase tonight!

Anjeny said...

April...did I tell you how much I like you? I'm liking you even more now. I will definitely follow your example and humor myself out of any stress that comes my way in the not so distant future.

Hopefully things will calm down soon for your son. You've raised a fine boy, seems like he's not freaking out over what's happening over there. It's a good thing. The Lord is protecting His missionaries wherever they are.

April said...

Barb I come from a long line of humor/avoiding should see our family reunions! My BIL offered him a room at his house along with a job...did you hear that Robin....then you can have 5 boys!!! hahahahaha!!!

T-how fun! We only have 9 weeks left, but if they choose to relocate then we may have him sooner than later...YIKES!!!

Dede, Chase is the king of Settlers over there! I brought him up well!

Jami way to practice denial gf!! The more you practice the better you get at it! True story! Good luck on the hunt for a good speller. That's one of my pet peeves...poor spelling.

Hey Suz masquerading as Daniel! Thanks for praying for all the boys. They sure need it! And thanks for thinking I'm funny!

Heidi you are awesome...thanks gf!

April said...

Ooops....and Anjeny sneaks in on me!! Hey there girl!! are MUCH too kind! I do have my stressful times, but the more I let go the more control I have...WEIRD, huh? Chase has ALWAYS been "Mr. Mellow". But he too is allergic to stupid people...hehehehe!!!

Lee-Ann said...

When hurricane Ike hit Houston where Spencer is serving, I was in Ukraine adopting Troy. I would have been one of those Mom's who phoned church headquarters, but I didn't have access to a phone. We had to wait several days for an e-mail from the mission president to say he was safe. His comments were "yeah you should have seen the lines at Walmart for supplies" or " all the food in our fridge rotted during the days of power outages" or "it was cool we got to wear church t-shirts and cut up fallen trees and clear debris." He even had the nerve to send me photos of the storm hitting and the aftermath. What are our boys thinking? Good thing all of those years of watching tv shows and movies I told him he wasn't supposed to numbed his sensibility.

Lezlie Fitts said...

Okay April a few things came to mind when I was reading your blog...

1) What if I want to use humor to deal with stress and I am not funny? What then? I have been using overeating to deal with stress and that has some unfortunate side effects...any ideas?
2) Next what the hey monkey is Settlers of Catan?
3) And lastly, did you really call the Church Office Building? Well come on April share....what did they say?
4) I am not worried about the riots at all, what I am worried about is my son and the 5 other Elders he is confined with are either bonding as life long friends or choking the ever living tar out of each other. Can you imagine what it smells like in their house after a few days being locked up together? Wait best not to imagine that...

Nutty Hamster Chick said...

Oh mylanta, that is not stressful at all. good luck with the waiting. I hate waiting, I have no patience for it.

April said...

Hey Lee-Ann I just thought of this...I wonder if Spencer knows the Nordin family there. They were out of power for 10 days when Hurricane Ike hit. hmmm. These kids of ours! Sometimes I think they are wiser than their years!

Hello there Lezlie! So, you and I are in the same boat. Our boys are in Mada and we aren't. So what do we do with that? You have been doing an awesome job of gathering info and posting it on your facebook for all of the moms to see. I have really appreciated that. I have also been googling news articles to see what is going on. With that said......
1) Who says you aren't funny? And what's wrong with snacking between meals? I'm just saying...I love my chocolate fix every day!

2)Settlers of Catan is a board game. You settle colonies through trade. You get points for each settlement you build. The first to 10 wins.

3)When I called the Church Office Building yesterday in the late morning I spoke with a lady in the mission department who read from an email from Pres Gaya. He said that all the missionaries were accounted for and that they were staying in their apartments until further notice. I asked her if she realized that the US embassy had issued a warning that all US citizens are to maintain a low profile until May 1 and she said that they and Pres Gaya are aware of that. No mention was made of evacuating them to South Africa.

5) I think that Peter is fortunate to be confined with five other missionaries. They won't get sick of each other as quickly. It is more difficult when there are only two and it is stressful conditions. However, the aroma that will be coming from that apt will be something that will be less than desirable!!! ICK!!!

April said...

PS...I can't count! hahahahaha!!!

April said...

NHC...I hate waiting too....especially when it concerns a loved one...and yet I have no choice BUT to wait. Wait to see if they will be evacuated, and if so, chances are he will be sent right home because he only has 2 months left. Sent home to no sad!

The Crash Test Dummy said...

OH HOW FUNNY! LOVED set up for the drama. And loved all your sons grammatical errors. It made his perspective on the riots so much more endearing.

Isn't tomorrow your last day on Quarantine? How are you feeling?

April said...

Crash...the funny thing is that I usually correct all of his spelling and grammar mistakes before forwarding the email to family and friends....hehehehe!!!

I have one day left...I was supposed to go to a doctor appt today but had to cancel because my blood sugar is not doing so well. It acted up like this right before I was diagnosed. I still have a lot of uranium running around in my plays havoc on my system. BOOOOOO!!!!! How are you, yourself and that other one doing?

wendy said...

Happy birthday Elder Chase. I had 3 sons, serve missions so I feel ya. When one had to have surgery while in Ecuador I felt they should have flown me down there to sit and hold his hand(pesky mom) but had to settle to talk to the nurse and DID get to talk to son. Can't worry about the political striff....other people can do that, you need to think of Chase and your health.
OH, and Sis, I kick my husband in the night too.

Alyson | New England Living said...

Freaky! And my brother got shot at on his mission. Now I'm hearing about political unrest and riots. I'm so scared to send my boys on missions! AHHHHH!!

At least your humor is very much in tact. You are one cool chick!

April said...

Hey Wendy/Sis...I also have been known to punch the hubby in the night. What woke me up was his grunt when I hit him in the gut! hahahaha!!!

Alyson! I am so happy you are back on blogland! Where was your brother serving???? Scary!! I'd take a riot over a gunshot! I still have one more to go on a mission...good luck with yours!!!

Brenda Ellerman said...

I'll try again.

April said...

hahahaha....poor Brenda...IT WORKED!!!! you did it!!!! I'm so proud of you!!!

annie valentine said...

You are not heartless. Well, maybe just a little bit. But to be a good mother, you've gotta have (very little) heart.

Reading his letter, I could just picture all those stupid little animals from the Madagascar cartoon jumping around. The natives.

And congratulations to you for having such an old son and still being so stinkin' hot. We are kindred souls, my friend.

Lee-Ann said...

Spencer is serving in Spanish only areas although the service they did after the storm was everywhere. Before his mission Spencer had to sleep in the loft. No privacy. I promised him when he came home I would give him a bedroom. I'm so thankful he served the Lord. Guess you could kick Broc out of his room. It's good missionary prep. He can live out of a suitcase.

robin said...

Brett offered him a room without telling me???? that's MY job!!!! maybe if Chase stays here he can watch the boys once in a while and be more intimidating than our current babysitter. She's too sweet and a pushover. Smiley was in and out of bed turning the lights on and off, Giggles was messing around and even WANNABE was out of control. -sigh- I think I need to give up on going out until they are grown up.

April said...

I have a new BBFF!!! ANNIE!!! You are sooooo kind!!! And to be totally honest....I have NEVER seen the movie kids are so old!! {GASP} And ANOTHER birthday is looming...

Lee-Ann, I wish we had the room to kick Broc out somewhere....anywhere...we are just living on top of each other...AAAGGGGHHHHH!!!!!

Which leads to my BIL's offer! Hey ROBIN!!! Chase might just have to come and live with you!!! Brett said so!!!

Lee-Ann said...

We are moving tomorrow into a smaller house. That's what I said SMALLER. The more kids we get the more we downsize. Huh? It's the amount of money it costs to get these kids. This last one practically left us homeless. We are now going from home ownership to home rentership. I am putting four of the girls in one room and Ruth's room is right next to them tee hee. Chase is welcome to stay in Spencer's room until he gets home in August. Course that might spoil the plan of Broc marrying Ruth.

robin said...

hahahahaha!!!! Brett says a LOT of things. I just wait him out until he changes his mind. It works 99% of the time.

April said...

Lee-Ann, so what they say is true...are kids really do send us to the poor house! OHHHH NOOOO!!! After Chase gets back we will have Broc in college preparing for a mission and then Chase in college while Broc is on a mission. And we only have TWO!!! Poor you!!!

Robi....Well then Brett can make me POPCORN!!!

I am LoW said...

W-O-W!! What an experience!!

I love the grammar! haha!

LBBlum said...

loved the post- I think you are great... and not detached! I was laughing at the confidence in your sons post-(he's not scared or worried.) Just goes to show missionaries are blessed with an extra thick comforter...

Alyson | New England Living said...

He went to Jacksonville, Florida. He got shot at when he was tracting in the projects.

April said...

Lo--He is one to underplay everything. It takes a lot to rattle him.

Swirl loved what you said....they really are protected which is probably why I am not fretting like I normally do about things.

Alyson how scary for your brother!!! The majority of the people that have been hurt in Mada have been the people that have looted buildings. I hope it stays that way!

charrette said...

Scary, but you'd be amazed how protected those guys are...on both sides of the veil.

Yes, you made me laugh.
I especially loved the line about the grammar.
All will be well.
And I'll ad those missionaries to my prayers.

The Bulkley Bunch said...

April, Your blog is darling. I am finally getting a little free time at 1:09am on Sunday morning. How are you feeling? Your boy is halarious! I cannot wait to meet him! I miss you.. Come back to us.. Wendi

nevadanista said...

Prayers for your son and good luck at work today :)

April said...

Charrette-thanks for your prayers! (and for laughing!)
Wendi-thanks for stopping by and I hope everything is going well at work. I will be back on Wed ma'am! Thanks for checking up on me! You are awesome!
Nevadanista thanks for the prayers and I am delaying my return to work for a couple of days. I am still really tired and I have a couple of dr appts to take care of first.