Friday, January 16, 2009

Why I Wore A Sweatshirt To My "Treatment"

Well I am off, well not this second, but I have to leave in 7, no, 6 minutes for my "treatment".  I wanted to dress more comfortably but my khaki sweats just did NOT go with my black sweatshirt with the white stripes down the arms.  I LOVE this sweatshirt.  It says "LIFEGUARD" on the chest and on the butt.  NO I don't think I have a cute bootay!  I am too old and things are too saggy for that!  I just like how warm it is, and after all when I were it apparently I can save people.

Maybe, today, I can be saved.  In so many ways other than the obvious.  

I am going to have TWO WEEKS to sit at home and THINK!!!!!  


Miss Heidi's book will take me the first couple of day (I'm not known to be a fast reader).  But I have some big decisions to make about my life and NONE of them include you guys, so take a deep cleansing breath in and out.  GOOD! 

Alright, me and my sweatshirt are off to be saved or do the saving.  Either way.  I need to be useful people!


Kristina P. said...

Good luck, April!

Sarah Pace said...

what kind of treatment are you having? I have no clue but hope everything goes well!

TisforTonya said...

XOX - that's not hugs and kisses (though I guess that's not terrible), it's my little round head surrounded by my crossed fingers hoping for the day (and the next two weeks... and on...) to go well!

April said...

Kristina-Thanks! I'm back, in spite of a few snafus! (welcome to my life)

Sarah-I don't know if your dad told you or not, but ask him! After we had our family reunion, I was diagnose with thyroid cancer. I haven't told a lot of people, but I guess I am now. Today I had to have a radiation treatment and will be radioactive for a couple of weeks.

April said...

Thanks T!!! You are so cute!!!! I just got back and am sucking on a lozenge to help the sore throat that has started. YIPPEEE!!!!

Heidi said...

You are spreading a lot of sunshine around the blogosphere--that is very useful! And get better! That is super useful, too!

April said...

Thanks Heidi! You are AWESOME!!

Anjeny said...

Good luck!!

Nutty Hamster Chick said...

I think comfortable clothing is a must for uncomfortable medical situations. Best of wishes.

April said...

Thanks Anjeny! It went well.

NHC there is nothing like a warm and toasty sweatshirt!

Mormon Mommy Blogs said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Elisa said...

Good luck with the treatment.

{always fun to meet fellow boxer owners!}

That last comment was from me. I'm a dork and didn't log out of my other account... doh!

Barb said...

April - I don't know if you remember me - Barbara Brimhall Gardner! I stumbled onto your blog - hope all goes well with your thyroid cancer! Man that's gotta suck! Happy 2009! Barb

April said...

Thanks Motherboard. Besides wanting to sleep endlessly I am doing well. I love my boxer too!!!

Hi Barb! I remember you and your mom and your aunt Patricia (love her)! And your brother Chase taught my son Chase in the MTC! Weird! Say hi to them for me.

Karen Mello Burton said...

I missed this post on Friday because I was in the emergency room with a friend who was in a serious car wreck. I hope things are going well for you. Loved the photos you posted of your trip to Bountiful/SLC. You singing away to Wicked. :) SOMEBODY GET THIS GIRL TO THE SHOW ALREADY! Warm wishes...