Thursday, January 15, 2009


Please be VERY QUIET!


I am reading Miss Heidi's book! I am so excited!!!

You thought I was SHHHH'ing you because of the "other" thing didn't you? NOPE! That is tomorrow (Friday). The special pill is being flown in today. I've had my two shots (and feel like doo-doo), so that must mean I am ready!

Thanks for ALL of your cyber HUGS and LOVE! I wouldn't have made it this far in such good spirits without your support!

Thanks Crash for having that awesome retreat where we stepped in to help carry someone else's bucket for a while. That was freeing in so many ways! Even if some only let it go for an hour. You are only as sick as your secrets you know. I know. I got to meet some new and AMAZING people and feel their lurve!

Before I start reading I just want to give my sister Robbie-Toad a HUGE HUG!! I hope her surgery today went well! I wish I could have been there to help her like she was there for me in the summer. Aren't sisters awesome?

I have another sister who stalks my blog. She never comments in my comment box, she just emails me her comments. I miss her too! I haven't seen her in over a year. Hey Sheri-bear!

Alright, I am off to read Miss Delacourt Speaks Her Mind....I have peeked at it a few times already, I am REALLY EXCITED!


Kristina P. said...

I wish you nothing but the best of luck tomorrow, April.

Alyson | New England Living said...

Let us know how you like it!

Good luck tomorrow!

Sandi said...

April dear, tomorrow is the big day, I wish I could be there to bring you soup and see you glow....I hope it goes well . you know we will all be thinking about you and hoping for the best!

The Papa's said...

Imagine my disappointment when I got to work & you weren't there:( But I know you're doing much more important things!!! Hope everything goes great, & I'm sure we'll have lots of stories to tell when you get back...SOON!!!

Heidi said...

Ah, April, you're so sweet! I hope you aren't disappointed. And Alyson, WHAT? You haven't read it yet? Are you waiting for the good opinion of every bloggist in the blogosphere. Sheez . . .(just kidding. sort of.) Back to April, I've been thinking about you a lot! Praying for you! (Okay, apparently either I can't read or I can't spell b/c the wv thing won't let me through!)(ummm, third try, now--do you think it is b/c I can't type?)

Anjeny said...

April, I'm glad to see you in a good mood. It totally helped to have a positive attitude on things when going through something like that. I wish you all the best tomorrow.
And thank you for the comment you left on blog. Do take it easy.

Nutty Hamster Chick said...

Thata is why blogging is so amazing to me and totally worthwhile. The love and support. I know that I could not have survived the past six months with out my cyber friends who now feel like family to me.

I have been thinking about you also. Do you think I would be able to see your glow in Las Vegas?

April said...

Kristina-thanks so much!

Alyson- It is great so far, I'm loving the characters, I just came acroth a thweet character that lithps. thanks for your concern!

Sandi, Sandi, Sandi, the one who brings a smile to me face! Look for the glow! You know which direction to look to!

Roxanne! Sorry I missed you at work yesterday! I love laughing with/at/around you! Hope you and Mona had fun!

Heidi!!! I am almost finished chapter 4! I have enjoyed it thus far! I must admit I have had to look up some smarty pants you!!! And apparently you can read/write when it counts!!

Anjeny-love your wit/sarcasm! We would get along just fine outside of cyberworld! Thanks for thinking of me!

NHC!!! How have you been? You have been a little quiet lately!! I love my new cyber friends and I count you as one of them!! Look to the east for a glow!! If I need help I will flash "S-O-S" with a lead shield!

Nutty Hamster Chick said...

April, I have missed you all terribly. I am having computer problems. I am trying to write a post about it right now, but my turn may be up.

The Crash Test Dummy said...

YAY! You'll love Miss D.

Good luck tomorrow! And Robin good luck today.

blogging is da bomb!

Your verifier says unlet.

I like that. It's like saying let go!

How fitting. Let go of that nasty cancer, girlfriend

wendy said...

FINALLY - nice title to your blog and I like it cause FINALLY I have found another "older,wiser,mature" woman out there whose blog I can stalk (but trust me, I am a friendly stalker)Found you through Annie. I am 57 and have had 3 sons serve missions. take care

Karen Mello Burton said...

Best of luck tomorrow, April. You already glow (really...that smile is unreal), so I have a hard time imagining you glowing even more. Enjoy the book. It is fab!

LBBlum said...

Will be thinking of you!

April said...

NHC- I hope your computer problems get resolved without the use of cash!!! I hate it when that happens! I also hate not reading your witty comments!

Dummy!!! Thanks so much!!! Robin is doing great I just talked to her. You know what? YOU ROCK!

Wendy-nice to meet you! I don't know that I am wise and I am definitely NOT mature a lot of the time. But I am older! hehehehe!!! I will have to come visit your blog!

Kazzy you are a sweetheart! I will wait with anticipation for every musical monday! I could listen to you sing ALL DAY!

Swirl thanks for the hugs!! They have helped!!!

Everyone has been awesome! I am not even worried (right at this second). hehehehe

I will keep you all apprised (on how great Heidi's book is....I can just feel it!)

Anonymous said...

For those of us not in the know. What is going on tomorrow? Hope all is well.

April said...

Hi anonymous. You show me what you have and I'll show you what I :)

Lee-Ann said...

I don't know why it came up anonymous. I've got nothing to hide. 11 kids later and 45 years, I still think I'm hot.

April said...

HAHAHA!!! That is FUNNY!! And 11 kids later you are still HOT!!! I love it!

I am going in for a radiation treatment today (Friday) as a follow up treatment for my diagnosis for thyroid cancer I received in Aug. I have just put this off....

PS-I have some family (in your mom's ward) that are not aware of my condition or my treatment and I don't want to worry them. Thanks!

PPS-Congrats on your newest addition! He is handsome!!!

Alyson | New England Living said...

Sorry, Heidi. After getting over Christmas, I'm not allowed to use the credit cards until February. I need to use one to order your book!

Lee-Ann said...

Okay, so your secret is safe with me(and anyone else reading your blog). Did they take the thyroid out? I'm sorry about the news. The radiation will just make you "hotter" though. Hence the glow. I had my tonsils out and had to eat lots of ice cream. Is it anything like that? :)
Love ya lots and thinking of you. By the way - no sex for two weeks - tell Drew I'm there for him if he needs me to talk him through it. Just between us girls - Ruth thinks Broc is cute.

April said...

Hey Lee-Ann..yes I had a thyroidectomy in Aug and I just put this off as long as I could. It's a sticky situation with the family up there right now, so I don't want them bothered any more with my situation. They don't blog or even use the computer, so I am not worried. I am just now speaking openly about what I am going through. I'll let Drew know you're there to support him! And mum's the word about the other dealio! Ruth sure is a cutie!

Ruth Luke said...

Just wanted to let you know that I read your blog all the time & you make my day!
Don't stop blogging any time in the near future!
Hopefully we will see you soon?

April said...

Well look at you sneaking in here on a post that is soooo old Miss Ruth!!! Thanks for I will have to make sure I watch my language...Da....Darn!!!