Sunday, January 4, 2009

WHAT IF......

What if....

What if..... a sin had an odor associated with it? Would people be more likely or less likely to attend church? Would they be more likely to judge each other harshly or less likely to judge each other harshly? Would the smells would be a constant reminder that others have faults too just like them?

What if..... parents loved their children even if their children did and said stupid things? Would the children be better parents to their own children? Would these children have better self-esteem?

What if......there were "do-overs" in life? What would you do over?

What if.....everyone stopped whining about trivial matters? Would the world go eerily quiet?

What if.....


Lenzi said...

AMEN SISTER! I wished sin's had an odor, it would get me outta our new crap time block haha And about the "do-overs".. If we could do those, I would NEVER move on in life becuase I would be too busy doing everything over! Love ya!
PS.. My sins smell flowery and delightful, that's why I ALWAYS smell SO good!

The Crash Test Dummy said...

Oooooh, talk about deep questions.

I would do a few things over. But I can't tell you what.

Better parents. Less Judging.

I love the smell one. That would keep me good FO'Sure!

verifier says miesses. That's french for messes. So appropriate.

Heidi said...

Too deep for this dipwad. Even beginning to consider the possibilities has my head spinning. I will, no doubt, be considering all day, however. :)

Karen Mello Burton said...

Hmmmm... I hope my sins would smell like cinnamon and nutmeg. No, maybe not because then I might enjoy it too much. I loved the idea of a quiet planet with people whining less. A quiet, good-smelling place. Sounds great!

Sandi said...

I thought I smelled something during church yesterday....hmm.
I definitely want do overs, I already have my list- Joan says when she gets to create her own kingdom that will be part of overs and no fat chicks!!

The Papa's said...

You always make me think...something I do not like to do very much!!!:)

I'm also not so hot on the odor for sinners deal. I would always smell...unless of course I could pick my own scent!!!

Kristina P. said...

Please let me know how the nude FHE goes, will ya?

And I learned so many things from you that I missed in Benjamin Button! Not the sex stuff, because I was paying super close attention to those scenes. Although, I was sorely disappointed in the lack of my word of the year.

Thanks for commenting! I will be back!

annie valentine said...

I had a RS president who used to sit in sacrament next to a single sister who smoked (her father smoked as well, so they kind of buddied up). One day the sister said to her, "Aren't we lucky that all our sins don't smell like cigarettes?"

And as for the do-overs? None. Even the bad ones turn out some great material.

Nutty Hamster Chick said...

Those are very deep questions and things that make you go hmmmm.

April said...

Lenz-you are awesome! You say it how it is, that's why we get along so well!

I must say that these questions were purely selfish in nature. To make me think. To help me deal with some not so fun issues! Some which Crash mentioned.

Heidi is NO dipwad! Besides, she can't argue this today, she's on hiatus every Tues! Heidi is so witty, I bet there are few things she would do-over!

I just LOVE Kazzy's optimism in EVERYTHING! I'm so glad we have reconnected through this modern day technology of the internet!

Sandi, Sandi, Sandi, I miss you and Joan ( and the others who shall remain nameless). I was ALWAYS laughing around you guys...errrr girls!

And then I got to meet the fabulous Papa's relations to Sandi, hundreds of miles away! I do believe humor runs in families!

Kristina, so nice to meet you! Love your blog. I was LOL'ing and disturbed the hubby's sports....shame on me! So he was banished to another room! I will let you know how the FHE turns out!

Thanks for visiting again Annie, we had a similar situation in a ward long ago and this friend wouldn't come out at all. Which is sad, because we all have our things we need to work on.

Pat! I love you! I love your blog! You are such a strong woman! You are an inspiration to me.

What if...I never started this blog? I would never have met such AWESOME people!!! I am blessed today!

And now....I am late for work!

Shelle-BlokThoughts said...

Can you imagine if Sins had an odor? That would be bad...probably good, but bad!

I love this What if...

How about...

What if I could get on your blog and NOT crave that Pumpkin Roll thing you have in that picture...yummy!

K...I'm no good at it!

Sandi said...

Ya us all and our resolutions a favor and take that darn pumpkin roll away!!
by the way, we miss you too and need to plan a visit!

April said...

FINE!!! I will take down the pic!! I have one rotting in my fridge right one will eat it! We had our fill! Rude aren't I!! hahahaha!!!

robin said...

What if my sister had come to my house for Christmas instead of staying home??? then she wouldn't be having Robin withdrawals and I wouldn't be having April withdrawals (oh and I wouldn't have had to make Christmas dinner all by myself...but that's beside the point)

this what if would also make a great do-over.

Stephen said...

Nothing like the smell of starbucks. Isn't that a sin?

April said...

Poor Robin, no one to cook for her! Next year! I missed you guys too much to do this again...even the cooking part (and you know how much I LOVE cooking).

PS-What's wrong with the smell of coffee? I love the smell of coffee! I just don't drink it....that would be too addicting for me!