Friday, January 2, 2009

What I Learned From Watching: The Curious Case of Benjamin Button

The hubby and I rarely go to movies. We just don't have the time with the remodel in full swing and all. There were a couple of movies that I just HAD to make room for in our hectic schedules, and one of them was THE CURIOUS CASE OF BENJAMIN BUTTON.

I was warned beforehand that I had better have an empty bladder before the movie started because there would be no time for a potty break once the movie began rolling.......and she was right! WOW!!! I learned so much from this movie that I just had to share it with you!


1. Ugly babies should not be given away, they could grow up to be REALLY cute.

2. There are A LOT of people having A LOT of s.e.x.

3. NEVER sit in a movie beside your son's friends especially if there is going to be A LOT of s.e.x.
in the movie. (I had to clarify the last part! hehehehe)

4. Women sometimes refer to their "partners" in a formal manner. Ex. "Mister Weathers".

There are A LOT of people having A LOT of s.e.x. (And they aren't even married to each other!!!)

6. NEVER, I repeat NEVER take your child backstage after a dance performance as the dancers tend to run around half naked and the male dancers don't look like they wear any undies either.

7. NEVER sit in a movie theater beside your son's friends especially if there are going to be scenes backstage after a dance performance.

There are A LOT of people having A LOT of s.e.x.

9. Some people tend to attract lightning.

10. A tugboat can sink a submarine.

11. Caviar is to be enjoyed with vodka. (I think that is supposed to mean you have class-whatev!)

12. Don't dance in the street.

13. There are
A LOT of people having A LOT of s.e.x. (Is my age showing yet?)

14. If we have been hurt by someone, especially someone we love, we have to let it go.

15. I wouldn't give up the life I am living for anything!

It was a great story line. It was totally different from the original short story by F. Scott Fitzgerald. I would just suggest you not sit beside your son's friends, that's all.

PS- After I read this to my hubby, he said he thought the only people not having s.e.x. were us. I had to assure him that our son's friend wasn't either. I'm not sure about the rest of the patrons in the theater though.


Karen Mello Burton said...

Loved your review! Each person I have heard that has seen this movie has enjoyed it, but I think it would be hard to see Brad Pitt looking less than beautiful. I LOVE going to the movies and I saw DOUBT this week. Wow. Wow. It is intense and well-cast and unbelievably well-acted. There were references to s.e.x. but I never saw any of it. And I only went with a van full of girlfriends, so it was okay!

The Crash Test Dummy said...

hahahahahah I totally LAUGHED OUT LOUD. h a ha hahha ROTFLOL. I'm not just saying that either. Ha ha ha ha I just saw that movie yesterday and so . . . . wait, I'm still LOLing. Especially at number 9. AHAHAHAHAH and at your husbands comment that you guys are the only ones NOT having S.E.X. because my husband was awfully darn quiet and grumpy after that movie too, and I bet there's a connection. hee hee

Oh, and I'm so laughing at the thought of you sitting next to your son's friends. h ahahahahah


My 14 year old daughter was snuggled up to me and kept putting her hands over her eyes.

I also loved the Cavier/Vodka tip. Whowouldathunkit?

You are so funny.

dede said...

since the only movies I go to are for the 5 year old and under audience, I have never heard of this movie - but you have me interested now!

Nutty Hamster Chick said...

This was heeelarious. I haven't seen this movie yet and will probably not until it comes on video. But who knows. But this review might make me want to see it or not.

Crash you probably liked it because you find nudity funny and are so comfortable with it, am I right?

April said...

In case anyone is hubby's vote is 2 thumbs up for the movie....any guesses why?

I too would see it again, it was entertaining when I could focus on the movie and not on who I was sitting beside!

PS-Seven Pounds starring Will Smith is good too!

Heidi said...

I have so been wanting to see this! It is hard to go anywhere b/c we have a hard time with babysitters (you haven't been reading me long so you might not realize that I have a complicated family)and there are days when we can't leave the three of them alone without being immediately available by cell phone which is totally the major justification for the biggggggg screen TV in our living room which doubles as a faux fireplace BUT this is one I really want to see in the theater. I am glad you loved it. Good to know~! You are a ton of fun! Okay, totally misspelled the first word verifier word, I guess I'll try again!

LBBlum said...

My husband wanted to see that movie tonight.. but I said, "oh- I heard there was alot of sex..." I told him about your review..

REALLY funny!
As far as getting hubands to read... Harlan Corban is a great author.. with scary suspense stories. When I was in a book club- we decided to read a book w/ our husbands one month and then have a book club with the men. (No husbands were consulted in this decision.) I share the story here:
We've read alot of his books together!

April said...

Thanks so so much for the link! I loved the blog and I will get the book and try that with my hubby! I am up for that! tell.....did you see the movie????

Sarah Pace said...

I love reading your posts aunt april!! they are very educational!!! Matt loves reading them to he thinks your hilarious!!!

annie valentine said...

Didn't you cover his eyes for him? That's what you were there for! You should have slung your coat over his head.

MakingChanges said...

I found your site from CTD and Luarve you. Haven't seen the movie, but now I am intrigued!

SURRE- special, exaggerated way to say, "sure."

Tyler and Kacie said...

OMG! Drew is killing me softly!!!! I'm sorry you guys aren't doing sa much of the're really missing out! ;) hehehehehe (ya know April, you ARE married, it wouldn't KILL you to put out ONCE IN A WHILE!!!)

April said...

What I said was...he said he thought the only people not having sex was us.

What I meant to say was....he said he thought the only people not having sex right there in the theater during the movie was us.

Is that better Kacie????? ;)

Tyler and Kacie said...

YES! Thank you for the clarification!;)