Saturday, August 1, 2009

Calling All Judges

No it's not a new TV show, it is my life.

Apparently if I don't want to be judged, I just shouldn't answer the phone.

Or, if I answer the phone, my answer should be yes, and then I won't have to hear this on the other end of the line........

"Oooohhhhhhhhh......tsk.....(sigh). Alriiiiight then. Goodbye."

After all, no matter how much you may judge me, I am a much harsher judge of myself than you can EVER be. True story.


Kristina P. said...

Well, I am very judgey.

April said...

Isn't that what your snuggie is for? A judge's robe? ;)

Karen Mello Burton said...

I am really hoping this call was from a random telemarketer and not a family member or friend. And I know what you mean about taking care of the judging all on your own.

TisforTonya said...

didn't we learn from that one Jim Carrey movie what kind of a mess we create when saying Yes to EVERYTHING... glad you're doing your part to keep the balance in the world :)

It's taken me 37 years to learn to say No more often - and it's such a relief!!!

April said...

Kazzy-I wouldn't have hung up from the phone crying if the call was from a telemarketer. But I did. Some people just don't think before they start ooohing and tsk-ing and sighing.

T- This should have been a "yes" answer, hence the passive aggressive judging.

Shelle-BlokThoughts said...

Hey I'm judgey also, but just in the closet, I don't like other people to know so I would NEVER call you! :)

Alyson | New England Living said...

I hate judgemental people! Especially the ones that feel they have to share their judgement with you. Crapheads!

Homer and Queen said...

No one better judge my baby girl! I will put a whoopin' on them!!! Love you!

April said...

Shelle that cracked me up! You come out of that closet gf and share that judging with all of us! Just not to someone's phone face, cause then that hurts. Just more behind their back.

Alyson, that's why I love you...and because of the English Beat too! ;)

Queen thanks gf! LY too! I just put a whoopin on myself instead. I tend to beat myself up over stuff like this. I am getting better at not taking it tho!

The Crash Test Dummy said...
