Wednesday, August 26, 2009


I am a forgetful person. It is hard for me to learn new things. It hasn't always been this way for me. When I was younger, I didn't have to study at all. I just remembered things that I had learned. If I didn't think it was important, or if I didn't like a particular subject in school, I just "pushed" the information out of my thoughts.

This "pushing" has come in handy for other things as well. Although, my body would tell you that there are consequences to "pushing" thoughts out of my head.

But now my problem is this.......

How do you retrain your brain to remember things when for 40+ years you have trained it to "forget"?


Kristina P. said...

I have no idea!! Let me know when you figure it out.

The Papa's said...

Well, I'd love to help...I really would. But seeing how I am not quite 40+, I cannot help. When I am 40+ I will be sure to let you know!!! I'm awesome like that! ;)

Barbaloot said...

Ooh-if you figure it out please tell me. Your younger self sounds frighteningly familiar and I may need to know how to fix myself soon...

TisforTonya said...

hmmm... I am still in the purposely forgetting stage - and regretting it a little... since I know have to start remembering things again... like all that Spanish I once knew and forgot... oops!

April said...

Kristina as soon as I figure it out I will let you know...before I forget!

Suz....really! You had to rub it in didn't you! Being way younger than me...and way more awesome than me...I know! That's what friends are for!

Barb, I'm sure you have a way to go....just don't go "pushing" too much info out of your sets a bad precedent! True story!

T who are you trying to kid? Smarty pants!

Karen Mello Burton said...

I keep thinking I don't need to write things down, but lately I seriously have spaced things that were important. Any day now the kids are gonna take away my car keys.

CB said...

I have decided that instead of "senile moments" my excuse is that I just have so many things to remember and entering my head all the time that some of it has to leave - unfortunately I just have no control over what leaves and what stays sometimes and that can be embarrassing so I have no clue as to what to tell you except that this is a super long run on sentence!

robin said...

I get myself into lots of trouble with my forgetfulness. But then again so does Brett so have to forgive each other all the time.

Homer and Queen said...

Oh I know! You just have to...wait...I forgot...sorry...

MakingChanges said...

I just say forget it. It easier to explain it away. People will just say, "Oh, don't worry about it. I should have asked you to donate blood for my dying son when you were close to your calendar. My bad." They will totally understand. You don't want people to expect you to remember everything. Don't set your standards too high, k?

Nutty Hamster Chick said...

I am sorry that the pushing things away is causing you problems.

I forget to remember all the time. Hate it when that happens.

April said...

Kazzy-if I don't write it down then I might as well keep myself locked up in a closet! My brain just freezes!

Cherie that was a beautiful run on sentence! You should be so proud!

Robin- you forget? HA! Now I believe it about Brett! lol!


Youngblood-Let me get this straight....low'll have to remind me when I am by my notepad!

NHC-The pushing was a great help for a looooong time, now not so much. Words are even running away from me now! I look like a blithering idiot sometimes!

Shelle-BlokThoughts said...

I second Kristina... I have NO idea because since my children... I can't remember anything and I'm trying to PULL those thoughts back in!!!

April said...

Well you're no help Shelle! Gosh!!! ;)

Chief said...

Hey! I found you blog hopping through MMB. I had to hurry and leave a comment before I forgot!

April said...

Thanks for stopping by Chief! Look for me around your blog...if I can find my way over! :)

The Crash Test Dummy said...

That is so darn true!

Your verifier has the answer. mountran

You have to climb the mountran of past information.

Let me know when you get to the top. I hear you stop having headaches at the top.

I REALLY hope I can meet you this weekend!