Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Lake Powell Bound

While most of my friends are scurrying around preparing to send their children back to school tomorrow, I am heading to Lake Powell.

My boys are grown.

It's weird to say that, cause to me they are still my babies. That is until they stand in a doorway and take up all the space. Then reality hits. They ARE grown.

So, as you send your babies off to school, think of me basking in the sun playing in the sand and cooling off in the water. (I just made myself jealous!)

Now I am going to pack my next book on my reading list...... I can't wait!


The Papa's said...

Booooooooo!!!! Really though, I hope you have a blast!

dede said...

have a great time (I am properly jealous)! what is the next book that was packed?

Alyson | New England Living said...

Have an awesome time! I'm not a responsible mom because my kids are starting on the 31st, but we're still heading off to vacation to Salem, MA in a week instead of getting ready for school. Yeah, I know, I need to grow up someday and be responsible!

Take lots of pictures of your adventures! I want to see them. :)

Barbaloot said...

Can I come? I'm all grown too---no school for me:)

Have fun!

Welcome to the Garden of Egan said...

Darling blog! I turned into an empty nester this year. No kids to get in school....not sure how I feel about that. Enjoy your time on the Lake!

Nutty Hamster Chick said...

Wow I am jealous of the not getting kids to school part. Enjoy your vacay, you deserve it.

Kristina P. said...

How lucky are you!

Homer and Queen said...

I "spit" in your general direction!!!

April said...

Suz-I told Drew to keep an eye out for you in the duffle bag this am....where were you?

Dede-I am just finishing up Olive Kitteridge and my next book is The Guernsy Leterary and Potato Peel Pie Society.

Alyson-I still haven't grown up! Have fun in Salem!

Barb- You can come! I'm sure you haven't unpacked everything from your last trip yet!

Garden of Egan-I am not convinced I like my boys being all grown up. It gets harder to boss them around! hehehehe!

NHC-When I FINALLY get to the Lake I hope to enjoy it.

Kristina- I hope I haven't settled on your NYC fate. All dressed up and too sick to go.

Queen-AHA!!! So you are the one that made me sick!!! My hubby left without me this morning! I hope to be able to join him tomorrow!

Homer and Queen said...

BWAAAAAAA! OK that is so something that would happen to me!!!! I am sorry but if you tell anyone that I said that I will deny!!!

Ahhh...home alone though? NICE!!!

Karen Mello Burton said...

I could just kill you...

April said...

Queen- I thought you'd enjoy that!

Kazzy-because I am home alone? or sick and can't eat so I'm going to drop a few pounds I've gained from eating Twix every night. =)

Shelle-BlokThoughts said...

Rubbing salt in the would doesn't look pretty on you April!!! :)

I love Powell!

April said...

Shelle-not to worry...I'm home family is at Powell playing :(

Mariko said...

It's funny how we live our lives school year to summer and then cycle around again, yes? It's hard to imagine that it will ever be over.

CB said...

Lake Powell is So Great! I am glad you get to go - even though you miss them when they grow up you get a few payoffs like this one - enjoy!

robin said...

okay I only just got to look at this post today AFTER the Powell trip and I'm soooo sad!!! cause you got SICK!!!! BOOOOOO!!!! no fair!!!!

we missed you!!!

Karen Mello Burton said...

The killing thing was about the water and the vacay. Sorry about the sick thing.

nevadanista said...

Oh man, Karma is a real beotch, isn't she? :D Can't even have a little fun rubbing it in that you've been emancipated from your children.

Hope you're all better now :)

annie valentine said...

By the way, I find this post mean and offensive. (Man, I can't even pull off heavy sarcasm today, can I?) I'm JEALOUS! JEALOUS JEALOUS JEALOUS! Never been to Lake Powell, must rectify that next summer.

The Crash Test Dummy said...

oooh, jealous!