Saturday, August 29, 2009

Did I ever mention......

Did I ever mention that I work at the coolest place?

Did I ever mention that they sometimes have these crazy specials?

Did I ever mention that their specials are C.R.A.Z.Y?

Yep, this one is nuts! And I am sharing it with you!

This starts September 1st.

So the deal is........

$333 IS BACK!!!

Bring your family & friends and sign up together and you can receive an Annual Family Pass (up to 6 family members) for $333!!! You must have 3 families signing up at the same time to receive this AWESOME deal!

One Annual Family Pass = $399
Two Annual Family Passes=$749
Three Annual Family Passes= $999*
Don’t delay! This offer ends Oct 31st!

(And of course the disclaimer.......)
*Purchase 3 yrs for $333 or bring in 2 other families with you. Must sign up at the same time in order for offer to apply. Some restrictions apply. Not valid with any other offer.

So if you are interested, gather your friends and head on over to the

350 North Community Center Drive
Washington, Utah
(435) 656-6360

and while you are there, stop in and say hello!


Kristina P. said...

I wish I lived closer!

Karen Mello Burton said...

I never knew what you did! Cool. Sorry I am up here in Happy Valley...

April said...

Yes, I work there. They opened up just over a year ago, and I was hired on as the "Administrative Office Manager". Long way to say that I assist the Director of the Community Center. She is awesome! I help out with advertising as well! I love it there! It keeps me hopping!

TisforTonya said...

still working on the man on this one... he's all worried about offending his buddy who works at the Summit - ugh, men...

Homer and Queen said...

I am so in baby!!!

April said...

T- his buddy will never have to know...your secret is safe with me!

Queen- c'mon over!! We'll get you set up! But the commute will be helk!

Barbaloot said...

Wow-awesome deal. It gives me more incentive to live in St. George. I love that place.

Speaking of which---are you going to Aida while it's at the Tuacahn? It's one of the best musicals ever!

TisforTonya said...

ooh, is Barb coming down for Aida - I just got my tix and I can hardly wait!!!

WV is claiming to be prowingi... hmmm.. I've always been on the antiwingi side of the aisle myself, but I avoid politics in blogging so we can all be one happy family right?

Nutty Hamster Chick said...

That is very cool, too bad I live so far away. Oh wait I already paid for a gym membership I don't use. Hmmmm.

April said...

Barb-I forgot it was coming here! Seriously!! I totally forgot! Oh my gosh! I have to get some tickets! Are you coming down for the show Barb? If you do....we will have to get the St G crew together!!!

T-I have to get tickets! I totally forgot about it! I hope there are still tickets left.

NHC you crack me up....hahaha!!!

Unknown said...

i am so there.... oh.. i live 6 hours away, i don't think it will work.

April said...

Awwww Gramee! You could always move closer! (and bring your grandkids too!) :D

Angela said...

Hey April!
Yep I bottle hamburger too! It's great. You do it the same as chicken. I usually do half with spices for pasta's and the other half for taco's. Then all I have to do is cook noodles or fry shells and WAL-LAH! The bottles look absolutely disgusting but some how taste delicious :)

Angela said...

Your funny NOT boring!
I haven't counted quarts or added the lbs per bottle...but I just shove as much hamburger into whatever size bottle that I have and then at the top add your spices. Same as chicken 15lbs of pressure for 70 mins! It's awesome for lasagna, spaghetti, tacos, chili beans etc!

wendy said...

Well, You KNOW if I lived closer, I'd be right there. $333 --can't pass that up. and I'd be sure to stop in and say hello and even take you out to lunch ---and I would pay!! I have missed you alot and reading your blog so I am going to scroll down and see some of your other posts. I should be blogging on a more regular basis now and look forward to keeping in better touch with ya SIS --now that I am in the motherland.

Welcome to the Garden of Egan said...

But if I spent $333 I would then have to exercise and I'd get all sweaty and stuff and then I might get muscles and be toned and defined and then what would happen??????

Can I just say your smile is so awesome?

LBBlum said...

HEY I lived in Washington during my 4th and 5th grade.I love Washington.. I even served my mission in Washington--- no wonder I think you are too cool!

glad you like your job! that is icing on the cake!

April said...

:) Thanks Swirl! My job rocks! Although this week I could do without all of the coupons I have been making....over a thousand for our Fitness Week next week. But that's why this place rocks!

The Crash Test Dummy said...

ooooh, I wish I could sign up!