Sunday, July 26, 2009

Teardrops on my Guitar

For those of you who missed it, the hubby sang karaoke at my work party Saturday night.

He sang under duress.

He is NOT a singer.

I signed him up to sing the song.

When he complained about me signing him up to sing the song I assured him he would have fun.

What I meant to say was that I would have fun watching him.

I did.

At first it was kind of sad. He really is a mediocre {bad} singer. The tune was so far off that you couldn't recognize the song. He looked forlorn standing up there on the stage. Kind of like he was going to puke, or kill me. But I just couldn't help myself.

I was doubled over in laughter. I had tears in my eyes.

Of course I have no photographic evidence.

My coworker however, has a video.

True story.


Melanie Jacobson said...

I wrote a scene just like this in my new manuscript. What is it about bad karaoke that's so funny?

Jennifer said...

OK, I HAVE to see this video

Nutty Hamster Chick said...

What a trooper to be willing to help you smile. And he was willing to do it without you? You are one lucky duck.

Hey would you be available for lunch on Thursday? I am driving through on my way to Utah agian. Seems like we need to get together. It has been too long.

April said...

Melanie- I think because half of the time the people singing don't realize how bad they sound. That's what makes it so funny! Call me mean! But that's the funny part to me!

Jennifer-If I get my hands on that video, Taylor Swift's career will never be the same!

NHC-YES I am a lucky duck and YES I want to do lunch on Thurs!!! Call me!

The Papa's said...

Dang throw-ups & fevers!!! I'm so sad I missed it, but hopefully I'll get to see the video!=0)

Sandi said...

Pat, take Drew to lunch instead. He SO deserves it! Poor guy- April you tell him that I think you are a mean and wicked lady!!!
p.s. can't wait to watch the video but don't tell him that~

Kristina P. said...

I've never seen my husband do karaoke. He said that he was booed off the stage once, and he refuses too. My husband would have divorced me if I had signed him up!

dede said...

it is good to be laughed at (if you are a husband)! waiting for the video!!

Curtis Family said...

You'll have to post the video...I would absolutely LOVE to see it. I would have never imagined Uncle Drew doing something like that!

MakingChanges said...

So, what is your hubby going to do to ensure that you don't post the video your coworker got of him singing? You could make out pretty well with that kind of leverage.

Karen Mello Burton said...

My husband sang Straight Up from Paula Abdul and The Bangles' Walk Like An Egyptian for karaoke once. Yeah, don't even get me started. The only thing scarier than a so-so singer up at the mic is a so-so singer that enjoys it!

Hallie said...

I can totally see Drew standing there with that look on his face.....and I can totally see you sitting in the audience laughing yourself silly! That is soooooo funny! Tell Drew I'm not laughing at him though. ;)

April said...

Suz-I heard a rumor it may appear at one Christmas party! hahahaha!

Sandi- Come on! You are just cranky because you had a wedding last weekend! hehehe!!! BTW...I hope the wedding went well!

Kristina- we were among friends for the most part, which is why the hubby was NOT booed off stage. Under normal circumstances I think he may have been! hahaha!

April said...

Dede- that's the rest of the story. he said he was going to sign me up to sing and I responded with....I can't even pray in church let alone sing! hahahaha!!

Emily- it was so sad it was funny! If I get my hands on it I will share!

Youngblood-he just doesn't want it on, I may be getting a nice present!

Kazzy-our hubbys must NEVER meet at a karaoke party!

Hallie-you are right! He had "THAT" look on his face! hahaha!!! The wall kept me from falling over in laughter!

val of the south said...

That is so funny!

We have SingStar and RockBand, so we just embarrass ourselves in the comfort of our own home!!

I am so jealous! I want to lunch with you and NHC! I am going to try to get down there soon - I SO want to meet you!

April said...

Oh Val! You say the word and I'll be there! I would LOVE to have lunch with you!

April said...

We could even invite T and Shelle too!

CB said...

I think it is great that he did it! A testament of his true love for you.

My husband loves me but I do not think he would have done it - hee hee.

The Crash Test Dummy said...

ha ha ha I love it. ha ha ha

Hey your verifier says outtad. Isn't your hub's name Tad?

Well, it should be, now that you've outted him.

You crack me up. I can't wait to meet you. How was your lunch with Pat today?

I'm sorry I wasn't able to do lunch while I was there and I'm sorry I never emailed you. I was a horrible communicator while on my vaycay.

BUT, I'm coming back so get ready!!!

Can't wait to sit down and find out how you really are!

Thanks for always dropping by and supporting me. You truly are da bomb!

April said...

Cheri he does love me! And I embarrass him constantly!!!

Crash his name isn't Tad, it's Drew. Pat ditched me today, she was running behind. I am starting to get a complex! J/K!!!

Hopefully we can get together next week!

But I did have a lovely conversation with T today. I love my blog friends!

Mariko said...

And WHY are you not posting said video here for our enjoyment?!