Tuesday, July 21, 2009


Last week was a week of flashbacks.......then I read Crash's post on driving in a VW van and flashed back again. Only our family didn't have a van we had a VW Beetle.

The flashbacks are fading.

This is good.

This is a new week.

This is even better.


Karen Mello Burton said...

My mom had an orange beetle and we would all cram in. Some of the little kids even would get behind the back seat. Yeah, the old days before seat belts were really popular.

G and I had a VW van about ten years ago and we LOVED it!

And I am glad you are having some good flashbacks,and that other ones are starting to fade. XO

TisforTonya said...

live for the future right???

my 14 year old tells me that he WANTS a VW van when he gets his license. After laughing at the very thought that I'd just outright buy him ANY car I asked why THAT car... because that's what Hurley drives on LOST... go figure.

Barbaloot said...

I remember an old jeep my family used to have and how my brother and I would stand up and "surf" in the back. But how on earth was it that big? I can't imagine being able to stand up in any car now.

Kristina P. said...

We had a VW Beetle my dad bought from a friend, and it was nothing but problems!

Homer and Queen said...

I would love an old VW beetle...lousy AC...can't do that!

Nutty Hamster Chick said...

Yay for flashbacks fading. Hope they become a very distant memory.


April said...

Thanks Kazzy. We used to squeeze 2-3 of us into the window well in the very back, 4-5 in the back seat and 2 shared the front seat as my mom drove us to Primary on Tues.

T that is so funny! Who'd of thunk!

Barb- I can't even imagine fitting all of us in the little Beetle that we did! And then we got pulled over for speeding to boot!

Kristina-we went from one Beetle to another. It was all we could afford!

Queen- we had one Bug that the heat didn't work in the winter, but you couldn't turn it off in the summer!

NHC- Thanks gf! The flashbacks last week were brutal! I am glad they are now waning.

val of the south said...

We were a Ford family and my dad actually forbid us to ride in VW's - can you believe it?

I defied him once when I was 14 because a guy I had a HUGE crush on gave me a ride home from a softball game - SO worth it!

Hope you have a better week!!! Love ya!

Shelle-BlokThoughts said...

AAAAHHHH VW's... beetle's especially had some good times with my friend in her VW Beetle... good laughs! :)

robin said...

now April we didn't just have A VW Beetle... we went through a FEW VW Beetles.

And didn't you love the part where we would be driving to church on a freezing winter's day with the window rolled down so dad could scrape the windshield because the defrost didn't work???

oh and I remember flying through the air and smacking into the dashboard because there was no middle seatbelt in the backseat when we got into a car accident.


wendy said...

Hey sis. Dang, can you believe I am moving back to Canada. There's a flashback for ya.
I sure hope you are doing well as I think of you often.
I probably won't be able to check in with you again until September with the move and all and needing HIGH SPEED. crap. I will be missing my blogger friends - alot

The Crash Test Dummy said...

Hi April,

Hey, we had a VW beetle bug too. We had a bunch of them. My dad was obsessed with them. FLASHBACK!

Sorry about all your flashbacks. They can be brutal. Do you feel like when your have them, at least you can release them into the universes custody to smack around?