Sunday, November 1, 2009

What Did You Do?

This is what we did for Halloween...

What did you do?


Alyson | New England Living said...

You look so adorable! So, who was your husband? I can't tell who he is.

The Papa's said...

and THIS is why i love u guys!!! hey, i thought you didn't like halloween?! =0)

April said...

Allyson-He said he was was Gabe Kotter from "Welcome Back Kotter". In truth, he was just some dude with a fro and a stache with attitude!

Suz-I like watching others enjoy Halloween...but this year it was fun! I am becoming engaged in the spirit of it!

Kristina P. said...

We went to a fun party! I have pictures on my blog today.

Barbaloot said...

I trick or treated with cute nieces and nephews and yelled at kids that came to my house that were too big to trick or treat. Seriously, what's a 14 year old doing out begging for candy?

Nutty Hamster Chick said...

You do look way into the spirit of Halloween. Barb I agree, what the what with the old kids?

Heidi said...

Last year we had a party and that was fun--this year I just wanted to watch TV and eat. Could it have anything to do with the way my life's been going? Nah! (You guys look great!)

Chief said...

Very clever! Come over and see what we did! I hate Halloween BTW

April said...

Kristina-I can't WAIT to see what you did!

Barb- you yell? hahaha!! I love it!

NHC-I had to buy the costumes, I had none. Not too bad for 1/2 price! And I can't stand when big kids come trick or treating!

Heidi-we were done "partying" by 7:30 being the party animals we are! It was a ward party.

Chief- thanks! I will be right over!

Karen Mello Burton said...

You guys look so great! I am glad you had fun.

I love the attitude on your husband's face! And you are a saucy little witch!

wendy said...

You make a darling witch ---and is that STARSKY or HUTCH??

We did nothing..........boooorring
I missed the grandkids
and no candy around for me to drown my halloween sorrows with

The Crash Test Dummy said...

Gabe Kotter. I lub Gabe Kotter. But that wig and those glasses look familiar. Did he lift them from my kids Michael Jackson costume?

Thanks for being so helpful to me lately. Two of your comments really impacted me and inspired me with things I'm grappling with.

You da bomb!

Kritta22 said...

You are too cute!

Lezlie Fitts said...

You cutie April! It looks like you had fun and I am so glad! Peter stayed home with us!!!!!! I couldn't believe my good fortune. I couldn't help but reflect that last Halloween he was in Madagascar but we had him back. We got take out Chinese and watched "Get Smart" and gave out candy. Ro the hubby took all the pre teens around to the farther neighborhoods where the rich people live, in the back of the pick up truck and they score whole huge candy bars galore. I loved it!

Emma said...

Fun. No dress up for me just for the kiddos.

April said...

Thanks Kazzy, it was a short night but we had fun! Saucy fun!

Wendy-my hubby said he was Gabe Kotter from Welcome Back Kotter, and I said he was himself in HS when he had hair.

Crash-anything I can do to help! You have helped me so much! HUGS!!!

Kritta, you are cuter!

Lezlie-sounds like fun all the way around!

Emma-we don't have little ones to dress up any now it's our time!

Welcome to the Garden of Egan said...

Wow! That is some serious shaft getup! I'm thinking 70's......
So darling.
I was a nurse for Halloween. Not very original, but easy.

Verification word: ingin
hmmmmm as in cowboys and?????

I am LoW said...

(April- make sure to enter a seperate entry to say you get the newsletter. So you'll be counted twice)


Shelle-BlokThoughts said...

I know this is an old post, but I laid around and was able to do nothing! Boo!

But you guys look hilarious! Hahahahaha!

annie valentine said...

You are extremely pretty, did you know that?