Sunday, October 11, 2009

Happy Anniversary!

I can't believe it! We were married in Mesa, AZ 23 years ago. In the years since that day on Oct 10th I have marveled at how in all this time, he still loves me. He is quite the catch (as some were quick to point out early on).

So, why would he choose me? Well why not? We make each other laugh. We understand each other's humor. We have similar interests. We compliment each other. He is strong where I am weak and I am strong where he is weak. We love each other. He is HOT! He has an AWESOME smile. Ok, I tease about the smile! But that's what we do, we tease! We joke, we try not to take things too seriously, because frankly our life has been far too serious at times. We have made sacrifices for our boys. And with these trials and sacrifices our love for each other has grown stronger and deeper.

I married my best friend. It doesn't get any better than that!


Unknown said...

this post makes me smile!!
i love all the darling pictures!!

Happy Anniversary!!

ours is next month.. 33 i

Chief said...

Awesome! congratulations on 23 years!

Kristina P. said...

You guys were made for each other! Happy anniversary!

springrose said...

Happy Anniversary!! It is so wonderful to see happy couples stilll married after 10, 15, and 20 years! Congrats on all the hard work you to have put in!

April said...

Congrats Gramee! That's awesome!

Thanks Chief :)

Kristina, we were made for each other! We can't be serious for too long!

We have put in some hard time Springrose, but it has ALL been worth it! I would do it all over again!

Shelle-BlokThoughts said...

Happy Anniversary yesterday!!! I'm sorry I missed it!

But you guys are a pretty hot couple I'm not gonna lie! :)

Hope you have more and more to come! :)

April said...

Thanks Shelle! It's cause we put each other first. True story!

Alyson | New England Living said...

Hope the anniversary was amazing! You guys are such a cute couple!

The Papa's said...

You are BOTH quite the catch!!! Oh and I think Drew's H*O*T!!! So does Dan..... ; ).

CB said...

What a wonderful love story! It surely does not get any better than marrying your BF!

Happy Anniversary!!

Love the pictures :D

April said...

Alyson-we are having so much fun we both took Mon off work! hehehe!

Sorry Suz! That means I won't see you until next week! And I had to include the "hot" comment for Dan's sake! hahahaha!

Thanks Cherie! We had fun having our pics taken in a wind storm. And it is the BEST being married to your BEST friend!

Melanie Jacobson said...


April said...

:) I know Melanie, he's so sweet!

robin said...

I think it is funny that most of the pictures you chose were the fun ones!!! But... where's the "handsie" one??? hahaha!!!!

Karen Mello Burton said...

Awwww, congrats, April. Nothing like finding that good fit. You both are lucky!

April said...

Robin...I am saving the "handsie" photo for a "special" post....wait for it!

Kazzy it is true, we are BOTH lucky!

Jennifer said...

Geez! I wish Uncle Drew wasn't so stinkin' serious all the time!!! haha. Cute pictures and Happy Anniversary!

April said...

I know! Right Jen? He HATES having his pic taken! But we got some good ones!

Homer and Queen said...

Hope to meet the BF someday and Happy Aniversary! Love you sister!!!

Barbaloot said...

Those pictures are awesome---happy anniversary!

Sarah Pace said...

Happy Aniversary! Cute pictures!

wendy said...

Awesome ---you guys look great together, and those photos of hubby, I can see he can be a clown at times eh. Of COURSE he had to choose are awesome!!!
and to think ---as sisters that we know we ARE----we are both married in October.
I love the new family photo at the top. So dang awesome
(I like the word awesome)

I so wish I could have met you that one time. remember

April said...

Queen thanks for checkin in. I know you have other things going on. How did Sunday go? I've been praying for WB! Love ya GF!

Barb thanks! We had fun in the windstorm having the pics taken. My sis took them for us. She did a great job!

Hey Sarah! Thanks! Hope you are doing well! Say hi to the fam for us!

Wendy, how crazy, that we ALMOST met and then you go off and move to our mother country only to get married to your BF in the same month that I married my BF! AWESOME!

Nutty Hamster Chick said...

You two are two cute for words and I love the new header picture also. Congratulations!!! Love tecnology that lets us cheer on our team together even when we are miles apart.

April said...

Thanks NHC! You are too cute!

Welcome to the Garden of Egan said...

Such cute pictures! You both look like a perfect match.
Darling smiles.

April said...

Thanks Garden of Egan! We kinda like each other! ;)

Heidi said...

We also just celebrated our 23rd. Who knew 40-something old people could be so hot back when we were 20-something?

April said...

Congrats Heidi!! Who knew- is right! lol!

Lezlie Fitts said...

What a sweet wonderful post! May your next 50 years together be just as good!!!!!!

April said...

lmtfitts....thanks cute lady! I hope they are too! Today was off to a rough start...I'm sure it will get better! hehehehe!

Emma said...

Good for you, I love to hear that people can be together that long!!!

Cute pictures!

April said...

Emma thanks a bunch! I believe you look familiar....I think I know your mom's blog...hehehe! Thanks for stopping by!

Mariko said...

You guys are really cute. And it looks like the family took after you two. (isn't that the best?)

Becky Dayton said...

I love all of these pictures a lot! You and your husband are both just shining.