Sunday, February 8, 2009

In This I Do Confess (My Obsession With HSM2)

It's Sunday, so I have a confession to make. (Besides not going to church today.)

If I see High School Musical 2 on TV, I HAVE to watch it! But I only watch the last ten minutes. In fact, I don't think that I have EVER watched the whole movie.

I have purchased the movie for my son AND for my nephew. (My BIL was NOT impressed with that Christmas present for his son! hehehehe!!!)

What is my obsession with the last ten minutes you ask?

Even if I am in the worst mood, it will bring a smile to my face! It's the swimming pool scene. I LOVE that scene! I LOVE that scene for more than the music, more than the dancing, and singing. It has to do with WHO is on the set.

My #2 son.

He got to be an extra for HSM2. He had a blast. He set everything up himself. I didn't even know about it until he got a call back saying he was accepted.

The reason why I just LOVE the last scene is because you can actually see him over 10 different times on screen. (13 to be exact, but who's counting.) They are mere flashes of him dancing behind the main characters. (He's usually off to the left of the screen for those of you counting.) However, I know he's there, he knows he's there and when we describe what he is wearing, you too will know he is there!

The smart boy decided to wear a bright pink shirt with white and navy stripes across the chest and navy blue swim trunks. He stands out! I also smile when I see this scene because it reminds me that he was able to meet a crush of his at the time, one Miley Cyrus. She had a cameo appearance in the movie. My son was able to say hi to her! How cool is that?

Yes, he missed a couple of days of school in order to participate in this. A chance of a lifetime! And he loved every minute of it! What a great experience to share with his kids when he is older.

I am still smiling from watching the last ten minutes for the twentieth least.

(Note: For those of you looking for him in the above photo, he is hiding behind the guy in the red tank top on the left. True story.)


springrose said...

Am I actually the first!!?? I can't actually see your son in the picture, but I will borrow the movie from my neighbor and look untill I see him. That is so cool, what a great memorie when he is older and can tell his kids. They will think he is so cool for that! April H.

Kristina P. said...

My confession is that I haven't actually ever seen anything to do with HSM. I only know about the stars because they are in all the gossip mags.

Sandi said...

April how weird is this....We just now finished watching the end of HSM2 like 10 minutes ago...and Mckayl stood up by the TV so she could point to Broc for us...TRUE STORY! Kinda freaky that you just wrote about it...hmm

wendy said...

Well, I can hardly wait to tell my grandkids who LOVES HSM (1,2 or however many there are) that I know a mom whose son was in it. I can embellish it any way I want. Also, FYI, my best friends brother helped coreograph that sucker when they were here at East HS. (also the Olympic opening/closing ceremonies here in SLC and in Greece) He's kind of a talented sucker. But that is soooo cool for your son, I don't care HOW many days he had to miss of school.

dede said...

awesome - we always look for the pink shirt when we watch (the proud aunt told us about it when it first came out!) and the movie for the nephew wasn't nearly as upsetting for your BIL as HSM ON ICE was - I think Robin was just hoping to see Troy????

Karen Mello Burton said...

Is that cool or what? What a terrific experience for your son. I have never seen any of them, not because I am opposed, but just because my kids have never been into them so... Now I will have to rent it just it to see April's son! Thanks for your confession. You are forgiven of your sins...

April said...

Hey are first! You can't see his face (you can hardly see him). You can only see a sliver of his shorts and his left leg and of course, part of his pink shirt.

Kristina, had not my son been IN HSM2 I would not have watched it (not all just most). I haven't even watched Madagascar and my other son is serving there! See what kind of mom I am?!?!??!?!?

Sandi that is CRAZY FUNNY!!! We must have been watching it at the same time. (The time that I should have been at church.)

Wendy...FYI...I got a call to be in it as well, but was too chicken to do it! (I was embarrassed about my weight. True story.)

OHHHH Dede...I totally forgot about that!!! hahahaha!!!! That WAS more disturbing!!! hahahahaha!!!

Kazzy, he did have fun. I was surprised that he wanted to do it, but his friend's brother was the drummer for the band, and he had other friends there as well. I feel so much better after confessing!!! hehehehe

Barbaloot said...

I SO wish I would've known this before I watched this movie today. Cuz yes---I did watch it when it was on today. I love HSM and I'm not ashamed to say it...well, not really.

April said...'s ok!! It's a "feel good" movie...well, what I've seen of it! hahahaha!!!

Melinda said...

WOW! That so dang cool! I haven't watched ANY of them, but my daughter just went to a HSM b-day party and now HAS to see it, so I'll watch it just to see your son! :D

Nutty Hamster Chick said...

That is the cooliolest thing ever. My daughter and I LOVE HSM. We just watched the first one on a Friday night the first time it was on Disney Chanel and fell totally in love with it. Bought the sound track. I even have it on my CD player. Then when two came out I had some other commitment and had to wait to watch it. Dang responsiblities. But my daughter went to 3 with her primary teacher and so I haven't seen it yet. My daughter is counting the minutes until we can buy it on video and then she informs me that I will be going straight home and watching it immediately. So cool for you son. Did he get paid anything? Or was it just for fun.

April said...

Melinda, we had a HSM2 Party when it came out on the Disney channel a year ago. I had a house full of HS boys and girls (juniors) at our place to watch the movie. It was a blast!

NHC...she will love it! Most girls do! He did get paid to be in it! How cool is that? He got paid for 2 or 3 days of work. I can't remember which one. No royalty checks tho! hehehe!!

Karen Mello Burton said...

I laughed out loud when I read the tags on your Cliff's Note...."foot" LOL

April said...

I will do almost anything for a laugh. Sheri (my sister) will do anything....true story!

TisforTonya said...

My neighbor's daughter is also an extra in this film... but apparently in a different scene... The kids tried to point her out to me once, but my eyes are not as fast as the camera :)

My daughter is 6 and watches this movie religiously (I suppose that makes it okay to miss church for then?)
I'll have to point out your son... or at least his foot :)

The Crash Test Dummy said...

OMGOSH! How awesome is that. I love the last 3 posts. I love that your gorgeous son was in this movie. I need to show my daughter. Maybe they can get married because they've both met famous people and then we can be related. We can be the evil MIL's he he he

April said...

Hahaha T! We pause it when it's on TV so we can see that it is really him! We are so weird!

Crash my son is soooo jealous that your daughter has met JJ!!! True story! They will have to compare notes on celebs! (after the mission of course!)---See I'm practicing my evil skills already!

charrette said...

How Funny! You need to see the trailer my husband and his colleagues created at I think they show part of the swimming pool scene. So Broc might be in that too. (And it's WAY better than the movie!) :)