Wednesday, May 27, 2009


Broc and me before commencement exercises.

Broc with his brother Chase, and with his dad showing a rare smile!

The family after graduation posing for the camera. Drew smiling as usual. :)



I never thought this day would come. Some days seem to drag on forever. Sometimes bedtime did not come fast enough. I was warned about this day. I was warned by moms who had "been there", "done that".

I am a step away from being an empty nester. I know, I don't look that old. (QUIT LAUGHING! I can hear you!)

Broc graduated from HS last week. We only had one minor incident with him at his graduation. The part where he glided across the stage on his heelies after he got his certificate. Other than that everything went off without a hitch.

Now, in the fall, he will go to the local college for a year. He's only 17. We have to keep him busy until he's 19. We have 14 months to go. Wish me luck. He's a flirt.

After that, Chase (our oldest) will be enrolling in college. He too will be moving away from home. He is working and earning money right now. The job he has right now already takes him away from home during the week and he is home on the weekends. We are almost there.

So, come next summer, my hubby and I will be in our mid to late 40's and have no kids at home. That is weird! The house will be quiet except for the dog freaking out every time we come home. So happy to see us after she has spent a long day napping.

Maybe one of the boys will take her with them. Can dogs go on missions? Hmmmmm.


Sandi said...

I am getting close too, and it is the freakiest feeling! I look at Dave and go "what the what??" I think that means we should be planning lots of girl trips to occupy all of our free time!!

Shelle-BlokThoughts said...

You definitely look WAY to young to be an empty nester! I laughed at the heely's... got love boys! Good for you April... you should enjoy this next phase of life!

Anjeny said...

Congratz to the grad!! My daughter graduated this past week too.

I think you look way too young to be an empty nester.

Barbaloot said...

Congrats to the graduate! And to you for almost being an empty nester!

robin said...

You only WISH dogs went on missions!!!! hahahaha!!!!

robin said...

oh and NO you CAN'T give your dog away to your sister or her boys or your brother-in-law. stamped it aced it no eracies!!!

Kristina P. said...

Your son is so handsome! Congrats to the both of you.

Melanie Jacobson said...

No way are you an empty nester. No way.

Nutty Hamster Chick said...

How did I miss this post? I just noticed it.

My son just barely passed two clesses with d's to make it possible that he will graduate. I am still in a state of shock.

Nutty Hamster Chick said...

Oh and itsn't it interesting Anjeny, you and I all had kids graduate.

Emily Anne Leyland said...

Congrats!!! I would ask about the dog ;)

April said...

Sandi...I think you are right! Girl trips would be fun!

Shelle...I knew I liked you!

Anjeny....that is fun! We have seniors!! But this is my second one graduating.....sigh. are just too cute, I could just squeeze you! for a BIG package in the mail with air holes in it! hahaha!

April said...

Kristina...thanks! Both my boys are very handsome boys...only one is eligible. ;) rock!!!

NHC...whew!!! That's how I felt with my first!

Emily...I think I've solved the problem with the dog....but don't tell Robin!

wendy said...

sounds so trite , but YES time goes way to fast. I actually love being an empty nester---it has advantages, and fun to have the kids all drop over for a visit, like a tornadoe through the house, and you just secretly SMILE as they leave.
It'll be ok
you can now run around the house naked, ----just incase you want to

wendy said...

however, the DOG might see you, he won't care.

April said... crack me up..I think you are a closet streaker! Do you streak from one room to another with people in the house just for the thrill? Just saying!

Lenzi said...

Dogs can go on mission!!! Just have Broc take her... that is if the little flirt doesn't find him a hot little number to marry in 14 months! hahaha

Homer and Queen said...

Hey!!! Enough about your perfect kids and missions and crap!!! Suck it up and run around the house nekked!!! Live girl! Soon they will be dropping the g-kids off on you and no more nekkie!

Love you and thanks for a wonderful day!!!

PS. My family is more wacked than yours!!!!!!!!

April said...

Lenz....I already have a home for the dog...but don't tell my sister (Robin). win! Your family is more whack than mine. They who shall not be named....who I named at lunch...shall remain nameless here. But you still win! LOL!!! And the whining has ended...but the clothes are still on for now....

Heidi said...

You have such handsome boys!

Marla said...


April said...

Heidi...thanks! I'm kinda partial!
Marla...welcome!!! And thank you! I'm coming over to check out your blog!

Karen Mello Burton said...

Congrats to Broc! Hey about the dogs leaving... I have already committed my second son to taking one of ours when he gets married. Maybe I should have him sign something.... Hmmmm

April said...

Kazzy....draft that contract right away!!! lol! I hope you are having fun!!

annie valentine said...

How is it you look like his big sister, not his mother? oh, to be so lucky...

The Crash Test Dummy said...

ha ha ha Can dogs go on missions? You kill me. Congratulations. This was a perfect post to have next to your The Shackles are Falling post. hee hee

Love the part about the heelies. HOW CLASSIC.

I heard about your lunch with Queenie. So FUN! I want to be a princess too. I want all four of us to go to lunch together when I come in Mid July. But how are you? Are you okay? When does your radiation start?

The Crash Test Dummy said...

hey, your verifier said betroth. WHOA! Is that a sign that your RM might be tying the know this year too so your nest will not only be empty, it will start filling up again.

wendy said...

Hey sis, I'll miss you while I am 'up north', but will be sure to let you know when I am back, providing some narly bear doesn't eat me. that would suck!! you're the best

April said... are my new BBFF!!! thanks gf!!

Crash....I'm just are pining over a dog...I have a's a win/win if the mission thing doesn't work out! Chuckle away at the heelies!! I wonder what your boys will come up with??? Lunch was a blast! Can't wait for lunch in July! Ohhh and there will be no betrothing this year! I need a break!!! I see what it is doing to Sandi!! No thank you! hehehehe!!

Wendy...have a blast sis! Will miss you! muwah!

Jami said...

You do look too young. No schmoozing. Really.

Congrats to you all. What an amazing mom moment!

My sympathy to your poor pup on the upcoming loss of his boys' company.

April said...

Thanks Jami! You are too nice! I hope the dog survives! She's been bad! lol!